Editing HVAC Zone Data

Zone data is divided using two tabs:



The first tab which is the General tab is used to define temperature and humidity control together with zone sizing information (Cooling Sizing, Heating Sizing and Outdoor Air Sizing). The Cooling sizing and Heating sizing information provides the data needed to perform a zone design air flow calculation for a single zone. This calculation assumes a variable amount of supply air at a fixed temperature and humidity. The information needed consists of the zone inlet supply air conditions: temperature and humidity ratio for heating and cooling. The calculation is done for every design day included in the input. The maximum cooling load and air flow and the maximum heating load and air flow are then saved for the system level design calculations and for the component automatic sizing calculations. The Outdoor air sizing information is used to define the design outdoor air flow rate. This can be specified in a number of ways as described under Outdoor air method. This data is then used in the EnergyPlus system sizing calculation for sizing zone components that use outside air. You can also place limits on the heating and design cooling air flow rates. See Heating design air flow method and Cooling design air flow method and the explanations of the various heating and cooling flow input fields.


The second Target tab is used to specify which other zones in the zone group the changes will be applied to.